ヨハン・クライフ(Johan Cruijff)は、オランダ出身の元サッカー選手・監督です。
“There are some people who might have better technique than me, and some may be fitter than me, but the main thing is tactics. With most players, tactics are missing. You can divide tactics into insight, trust, and daring. In the tactical area, I think I just have more than most other players.”
– Johan Cruijff
– ヨハン・クライフ
“Football is a game you play with your mind.”
– Johan Cruijff
– ヨハン・クライフ
“The disabled people that do sport, they don’t think about what they don’t have but try to get better with what they do have. That is the same for me.”
– Johan Cruijff
– ヨハン・クライフ
“I look at Messi, and he makes me laugh. A beautiful footballer who is still like a kid. A world superstar, but still a kid. Innocent, you know. He just plays.”
– Johan Cruijff
– ヨハン・クライフ
“Soccer is simple, but it is difficult to play simple.”
– Johan Cruijff
– ヨハン・クライフ
“Players that aren’t true leaders but try to be, always bash other players after a mistake. True leaders on the pitch already assume others will make mistakes.”
– Johan Cruijff
– ヨハン・クライフ
“Football is a game of mistakes. Whoever makes the fewest mistakes wins.”
– Johan Cruijff
– ヨハン・クライフ
“Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring.”
– Johan Cruijff
– ヨハン・クライフ
“Players today can only shoot with their laces. I could shoot with the inside, laces, and outside of both feet. In other words, I was six times better than today’s players.”
– Johan Cruijff
「今日の選手は靴ひもでしかシュートできません。私は両足の内側、靴ひも、外側でシュートできました。つまり、今日の選手より 6 倍優れていたということです。」
– ヨハン・クライフ
“Technique is not being able to juggle a ball 1,000 times…Technique is passing the ball with one touch, with the right speed, at the right foot of your team mate.”
– Johan Cruijff
「技術とは、ボールを 1,000 回ジャグリングすることではありません。技術とは、チームメイトの右足で、適切な速度でワンタッチでボールをパスすることです。」
– ヨハン・クライフ
“In my teams, the goalie is the first attacker, and the striker the first defender.”
– Johan Cruijff
– ヨハン・クライフ
“Every disadvantage has its advantage.”
– Johan Cruijff
– ヨハン・クライフ
“You have got to shoot, otherwise you can’t score.”
– Johan Cruijff
– ヨハン・クライフ
“Choose the best player for every position, and you’ll end up not with a strong XI, but with 11 strong 1’s”
– Johan Cruijff
– ヨハン・クライフ
“If you can’t win, make sure you don’t lose.”
– Johan Cruijff
– ヨハン・クライフ
